Coffee Roasting: A Guide to Your Next Venture | Mike Fox | TEDxECU | | Mike Fox | TEDxECU

Mike Fox, co-owner of Blackbeard Coffee Roasters, a specialty coffee roastery and coffee shop in Uptown Greenville, NC, discusses his journey towards becoming a business owner and the definition of a good cup of coffee.
TEDxECU | January 20th, 2018 | Horizons Mike Fox is co-owner of Blackbeard Coffee Roasters, a specialty coffee roastery and coffee shop in Uptown Greenville, North Carolina. He has a B.S. in Accountancy which he earned from Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona. He moved to Greenville in 2012, loves Eastern North Carolina, and is excited to see the Greenville area continue to develop into an economic hub in the coming years. He has worked in retail banking at Bank Of America, as an accountant at Arizona Public Service, and as a manager in Student Financial Services at East Carolina University, before setting out as an entrepreneur in the specialty coffee industry. Blackbeard provides handmade coffee, tea, and baked goods in a retail location in Uptown Greenville and coffee for resale to various restaurants, cafes, and organizations. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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